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Friday, July 18

Pe drum.

Dau cu pace in orice cartier zilnic pentru ca lucrez ca zilier sufletul imi e mai tare ca o bucata de fier sunt un miner ce sapa in realitate dupa dreptate dar gasesc mai mult ce altii cresc adica ura si lacomie in stare pura departe de a pacii natura iar cand zaresc si ceea ce caut privesc cum altii se uimesc grotesc si spun ca eu nu traiesc si placerile le ocolesc dar stiu ca mai trebuie sa-i trezesc la adevarata indepartata realitate unde simtirile nu sunt mascate, prost jucate in ale umanittatii inselate fapte prin urmare calatoresc in continuare stiind ca are raspuns orice intrebare din orice zare chiar daca doare nu asa e adevarul la inceput oare ca apa rece pe o mana inghetata de sange necirculata cum e mintea guvernantilor , regii hotiilor sclavii lacomiei lor ce e ca un nor sub soare de care in viitor nu se va simtii dor de catre nici un popor pentru ca a adus doar omor si priviri improscate parca cu clor insa eu sunt aviator si dau iar pace din zbor pe orice ogor urban unde lupt impotriva regelui ban de mai mult de un an cu un clan de luptatori imprastiati in toate ale lumii intunecate tari , impartim adevar pentru ceea ce aveti in sub par si pentru suflet un bilet spre libertate din aceasta societate lipsita de fraternitate , v-am spus caut dreptate asa ca nu-mi sta in cale frate!

Tuesday, July 15


Criticati usor, cu iluzii va imbatati
Reusiti insa doar sa ma amuzati
Cand in ascuns vorbe goale-mi insirati
Va sfatuiesc mai bine sa va desteptati
Din adevar mai des sa gustati
Si sa incetati bad vibe sa imprastiati
Ca doar calea dreapta v-o intunecati
Prea putin celor din jur le luminati
Proiectul deja vad ca il mascati
Si doar de-a judecatorul va jucati
Nu vedeti insa, pe voi insiva va inselati
Doar mintea pareti sa o controlati
Al 3-lea ochi inca trebuie sa-l cautati
Deci miscati, nu ma mai amuzati
Treceti la lopeti, in interior lucrati
Si veti vedea ca a-ti fost comedianti
Ai viitorului mutanti cu colanti.

Saturday, July 12

I'm free

Teach the youth the real truth,
Show them that love's smooth
And what Babylon preaches isn't real!
They tell lies really and clearly
It wants his good and no soul food
They don't want me talking about unity
'cause it's our only chance against dem fooly
My people are in spiritual chains
That give only pains and stress for their brains
But we're soldiers fighting,
Love and peace inside keeping
For everyone we're giving
Knowing that the system bounds in rounds
Our living freedom thinking
So I keep preaching not dreaming
Our time is soon coming
And then we'll dance inside seeing
Hate and wickedness burning..

Teach the one near you, speak out loud !

Friday, July 11

Do it good..set the right mood

Do it your way 'cause it will pay
But do it good even if you're misunderstood
Inside your own hood
When you try to set the right mood
Do it with style..simply flow
Like the majestic Nile mile by mile
Do it when you should
And do it when you feel
It could make a difference; that it would
It will never kill or give you another bill
It will just make it real,
By far your greatest lifetime deal
Do it like yourself otherwise you'll live in a shell
Without a real pal
Do it when you hear the inner bell ringing
Cause it's actually singing the freedom way
And that will never lead you ashtray
I tell you doing it will pay
Not with numbered papers in many layers
But with liberty of you
Liberty of your own philosophy in the mute society
So do it right mighty!

I believe that there is one precept found in all the great religion beliefs and that says don't do to others what you would not like to be done for you. This phrase says it all and a human that guides his life among other beings by this phrase could not live in a wrong way by all of its meanings, at least that's what i a huge number of people along the history.