Reggae and Hip Hop music »

Friday, July 11

Do it good..set the right mood

Do it your way 'cause it will pay
But do it good even if you're misunderstood
Inside your own hood
When you try to set the right mood
Do it with style..simply flow
Like the majestic Nile mile by mile
Do it when you should
And do it when you feel
It could make a difference; that it would
It will never kill or give you another bill
It will just make it real,
By far your greatest lifetime deal
Do it like yourself otherwise you'll live in a shell
Without a real pal
Do it when you hear the inner bell ringing
Cause it's actually singing the freedom way
And that will never lead you ashtray
I tell you doing it will pay
Not with numbered papers in many layers
But with liberty of you
Liberty of your own philosophy in the mute society
So do it right mighty!

I believe that there is one precept found in all the great religion beliefs and that says don't do to others what you would not like to be done for you. This phrase says it all and a human that guides his life among other beings by this phrase could not live in a wrong way by all of its meanings, at least that's what i a huge number of people along the history.