Reggae and Hip Hop music »

Friday, March 7


I'm Dacian and i don't belong to anyone or many one except the one or mother nature cause she makes life a pleasure while them make it a contest and don't care about the rest and without rest they seek for money and fame while the many don't know who to blame in this game called life with much pain and strife always backstabbed by the money knife you gotta choose only what's right and fight against the racers, owners of lots of lying papers and many more material things like a gold ring on that greedy finger that for more lingers. Don't sit back and look accepting all that's not the truth complaining daily about this rally against the poors belly son choose the right path to love and unity and reclaim your true history don't get dizy be trully soulfully busy dude and dudette live alive give up pride cause she's like suicide so relax inside use your mind stop being blind keep it tight and you might change something if you stop dreaming bling bling, we can actually stop the killing in the third world for all that black gold so stop doing what's wrong make the brain work and realize that you shouldn't be eating pork or using a car to go at some bar seeking for attention in the wrong direction because they used misseducation on the radio station instead of good vibes they tell more lies but you should rise and do some good for you own brotherhood help the ones near and more will be clear don't diss each other you should rather help one more soul brother.