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Friday, March 28

Our soul

So we all believe that everyone has a soul, in every religion as far as i know the soul thing is accepted. Anyway even if it's not like that i'll express my opinion about it.
The Soul is, i think, the thing that should drive the brain in a way and at some people it does. I'm glad to say that a few people that i know let the soul in control sometime, i love those people, they are my kind. Along the history there were a lot of people who put the soul into the drivers seat(Bob Marley and other reggae artists, some mc's that let the soul speak in rhymes like Guru, spiritual leaders like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and many other people as simple as you ). Each one changed the world somehow even if it was only the small world around his group of friends and relatives because from there it starts like little sparks that move far away but don't make the world an ashtray today cause love it lights making people fight for their rights and never dies.
What is it made of? I believe that it's made of love because this is the purest feeling, the feeling that makes people do good in every possible way. And from the soul remote the feeling which is like the rays of a light bulb glowing in the dark, making light where is nothing.
I said feeling and not feelings because in my opinion there is only one feeling and the others are only imitations of the one. And this imitations are low quality, sometimes share the same aspect but different purpose(not in a good way) and sometimes want to share the same aspect but don't manage to do it and the purpose is again bad or maybe not bad but definitely causes something bad in the future. Hypothetically speaking let's say that we have a light bulb in a room and day by day it's always working and the light made by it it's spread equally all over the room. In the first days the light bulb will spread it's clean pure light all over the room in each corner equally. As time is passing by in the room enter a few flies, dust, people and other stuff; all of them touched the light bulb in their way and let a mark on it. The little marks at the begging cause only a slightly change in the color of the light spread around the room but more and more marks of all kind of stuff covered it until the light bulb spread light only inside of it but not in the room because the light was hidden by all the marks let there by all kind of events which had a bad influence on it. Along the history the soul had a parallel history to the one of the light bulb so maybe it's time for everyone to clean their "light bulbs" and help other to do it if we don't want to become some kind of robots.


Anonymous said...

Great comparison with the light bulb. Did you find it anywhere or just made it up? You seem to have a great insight on your feelings. I find myself sitting here and thinking about the soul with the realization that I do not have a clear opinion on this. I think... Do you think there are good souls and bad souls? I mean...what's in the souls of those who kill or violate or torture? And could there be such a thing as too much love. It is often said that parents love their children too much. I know mine certainly don't.

Anonymous said...

What do you do to clean your light bulb?

I and Eye said...

Thank you, I didn't find it somewhere..maybe inside actualy, but why do all the people ask this about something that someone said? I'm glad now i after i read your lines. Opinions build up, as you experience life and can change over time.
No, i don't think that the soul is bad, it can be only good but as i said the soul lost it's power as time passed, the light buld got covered with all sort of bad things and the soul is not pure anymore so it can not be bad.
I think that all the souls are good, even those of the criminals which are just more covered with bad things.
I'm not sure about your last phrase.

I and Eye said...

Well, i believe that it cleans itself if you live right and eliminate the bad feelings and vibe from your life.