Sincer sunt un extraterestru, venit aici la marea scoala, 5 ani constituie un semestru Jah profesorul imi zice sa invat din fiecare metru asa ca-l desfac pe fiecare intr-un spectru de adevar si il masor in zbor apoi vi-l astern in fata dar nu ca un covor pe care in picioare sa-l calcati ci o carte pe care in minte sa o luati sa aveti parte si sa o dati mai departe prin fapte dar nu fiti grabiti ca o ceata de hititi porniti la vanatoare, starniti stres in fiecare, graba tulbura intreaga miscare. Acum ca stiti cum e cu viteza ce e altuia nu lua, nu fura ia aminte la final fiecaruia ii va veni tura la dinte pentru dinte cand va castiga doar marele parinte. Nu lua viata frate chiar de carnea e legala in acte e crima in fapte stiu ca sufletul iti zice asta in soapte, asculta, mediteaza, friptura ta avea odata viata deci manci cadavre, oamenii au devenit fiintele cele mai macabre. Va furati intre voi, minciuni sunt aruncate sa ramana unu din doi competitia e in toi pentru ploi de foi numarate si semnate. Ei zic competitia duce lumea in fata ca la piata dar nu e la fel cand spatele e la viata si unii mor ca nu au apa.
Monday, September 29
Posted by I and Eye at 9/29/2008 11:10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: For my people
nooot coool fool
I ain't trying to be cool, definitely not Babylons tool fool, i want the Truth at rule; my chillness is ill and i drop words that make visions a real deal but them babylonians are like snakes reality they peel so i keep it stronger than steel learning in the Jah University and teaching about unity day by day i carry on with a soulful mentality standing up for a betta reality an undercover shrink, Babylon boat i wanna sink so my 3s never blink, think think Jah children feel our spiritual link we're all one and everything in our mind is done brother from another mother see that these days only nature makes sense while the politicians live in the unreal tense not seeing the true rulers presence the revolution is near for i'n'i that's so clear more and more sings uncover more wars and more trouble plus some natural disaster to finish the false kings laughter too bad that more true people suffer all around the world so we betta keep unity bold to survive to this fire that will purify the earth for a rebirth of all in one i saw this in the light of the sun, now children it's our run.
Posted by I and Eye at 9/29/2008 01:49:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: For the Soul and the Brain