Don't you feel tired? tired of not talking, not expressing what you want and tired of being not heard or on mute for them. I don't believe you if you'll answer no and anyway i know that you won't answer maybe, not even to yourself - a thought that makes me sad somehow, or disappointed, yea, this word is better. I'm disappointed because i rarely hear your inside not even in this virtual world where you can be anonymous if that's what you want. You'd say that you don't speak because speaking out loud your feelings doesn't help. You are wrong! Saying what you think and feel is the most helpfull thing that everyone can do so leave a reply and say what you feel or if you don't agree with me say it, argue with me about it, i dare you to do that because it will help. If you agree with me than say what you think each day, ("each one, teach one" - a verse that i love from a few hip hop songs) discover the truth in the persons near you and show it to them day by day. Make a change in your world and that change will reflect in the world of the ones you live among and so on..
Start to think different, think green!
Sunday, April 6
Speak for yourself!
Posted by I and Eye at 4/06/2008 01:36:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: For the Soul and the Brain
My language
Fa ce simti in loc sa strangi din dinti in timp ce te minti cand dai din gura ca o tata la piata si spui ca totul merge ata ca o rata sau ca rata pe ata vietii ce o simt in briza racoroasa a diminetii insorite care ma duce cu gandul la fete dorite si la un gand pt multi muribund, libertate, egalitate la asta visez frate dar nu prea avem parte de fapte in realitate din partea nimanui de aia din cand in cand il pasez si lui sa ne eliberam amandoi sau toti trei de stresul d 2lei promovat de ei prin cresterea pretului apei care o bei. Asta este ca o veste din poveste ce te anunta ca sistemul niciodata nu renunta sa blocheze in loc sa elibereze minti obeze, prefera sa hraneasca in noi ura, disperare si falsa iubire sa creasca asa ca ma bucur cand unii prieteni incep sa gandeasca sa vada si in spate la masca unde se vrea doar continuitate in acte nu revenire la spiritualitate si ganduri de mult uitate ce revin prin vise cateodata in minti la mijloc de noapte prin soapte mute la o ureche bolnava ce aude doar graba dar poate se satura si ea ca o baba si aude linistea dincolo de rima mea ce sens cred ca acum are dar oricum de asta nu ma doare am spus cum realitatea imi apare in unele momente cu imagini din ce in ce mai clare si mi se pare ca ma simt implinit cand spun ce am simtit chiar daca asta a pornit de la durerea de masea ce m-a facut sa clipesc fara sa atipesc toata noaptea.
Posted by I and Eye at 4/06/2008 12:57:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: For my people